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1. During 2 and 3 July 2018, over 350 delegatesfrom governments, international and regional organizations, private sectors andacademic institutions attended in Beijing, China the Forum on the Belt and RoadLegal Cooperation jointly held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China andChina Law Society, with Mr. Kong Xuanyou, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs ofChina, and Mr. Chen Jiping, Executive Vice-President of China Law Society, asCo-Chairs of the Forum, and conducted extensive, in-depth and productivediscussions under the theme of “JointlyBuild the Belt and Road: Rules andCoordination”.

2. In 2013, President Xi Jinping put forward theBelt and Road Initiative (BRI). Five years on, this Initiative has receivedpositive response and broad support from the international community. Over 100countries and international organizations have participated in this Initiativeand have already achieved productive outcomes. The BRI is a Chinese proposalfor the world. It has become a platform for open and inclusive cooperation anda global public good jointly developed by parties from different regions, atdifferent development stages, and across different cultures and law systems.

3. As the BRI continues to develop, in addition tostrengthening “hard” connectivity in physical infrastructure, there is agrowing need for “soft” connectivity in legal infrastructure, rules andregulations. In this context, it is necessary to come together to discussissues concerning legal cooperation, in order to provide better legal supportand safeguards for the BRI.

Promoting international rule of law by enhancing cooperation under the BRI

4. The international rule of law is an importantinstitutional guarantee for upholding state sovereignty, maintaining worldpeace and promoting common development. It reflects the shared pursuit by allcountries of such ideas and values as sovereign equality, peace, inclusiveness,win-win cooperation,fairness and effectiveness. A sound legal environment is an essentialprerequisite to the smooth progress of the BRI process.

5. Since its very inception, the BRI has alwaysfollowed the principle of “extensive consultation, joint contribution andshared benefits”, which is consistent with the fundamental principles ofinternational law and the basic norms of international relations with the UNCharter as the core.

6. Legal cooperation, as an indispensable field ofand link for international cooperation under the BRI, should be developed onthe basis of the principle of “extensive consultation, joint contribution andshared benefits” as well.

7. It is recommended that all parties participatingin the BRI develop multi-level, multi-channel and comprehensive legalcooperation by exploring the establishment of cooperation mechanisms,identifying priorities through consultation, making action plans progressively,solving legal issues effectively and building consensus constantly, in order tolay a solid legal foundation for the BRI.

8. International and regional organizations have animportant part to play in legal cooperation under the BRI, with their strengthsin institutional networking, expertise and human resources. It is recommendedthat the parties participating in the BRI further strengthen cooperation withthese organizations in relevant fields.

9. We believe that the BRI provides a new platformfor implementing and a new momentum for promoting the international rule oflaw. As the BRI and the related legal cooperation continue to develop, theinternational rule of law will be improved and enriched, both in theory and inpractice.

Abiding by and improving relevant international rules-based systems

10. The BRI aims to provide a platform forinternational cooperation characterized by equality, mutual benefit, openness,inclusiveness and transparency, and on the basis of international conventions,bilateral treaties and other international rules. As the BRI continues todevelop, it is necessary to develop new rules and improve the rules-basedsystems in accordance with the circumstances and needs of all parties.

11. We support the parties participating in the BRIin their efforts to enhance the connectivity and compatibility betweentechnical standards systems in the construction of infrastructure and otherfields. They should take account of their particular circumstances and theirdevelopmental needs, draw upon applicable international standards, and explorejointly and on equal footing the proper standards for cooperation, in order todeepen international cooperation under the BRI.  

12. In recognition of the crucial role of trade andinvestment in driving economic growth, we call for concerted efforts by allparticipants, in order to uphold the multilateral trading system and avoid andoppose any form of unilateralism and trade protectionism. We support theparties participating in the BRI in their efforts to conclude agreements ontrade and investment, to promote trade and investment liberalization andfacilitation, increase market access, and gradually reduce and eliminatebarriers to trade and investment.

13. We support the parties participating in the BRIin their efforts to promote cooperation on laws related to financing, taxation,transportation, intellectual property rights, environmental protection, labor,anti-terrorism, the fight against transnational crimes and so on, so as tobuild a framework of rules and systems for the BRI that would featurestability, fairness, transparency and non-discrimination.

14. We support the parties participating in the BRI in their efforts to conduct multilateral and bilateralcooperation on accounting and auditing supervision, and to harmonize standardsand provide equivalency in accounting and auditing, in order to providestructural safeguards for cross-border investment and financing activities andfinancial market connectivity.

15. The parties participating in the BRI areencouraged tocooperatein areas of civil and commercial laws and regulations on the basis ofinternational general practice in civil, commercial matters, in order to reduceconflict of laws.

16. The parties participating in the BRI areencouraged to enhance cooperation on rules related to visa application andcustom clearance, in order to facilitate cross-border movement of people andgoods.

17. We call on the parties participating in the BRIto jointly strengthen anti-corruption cooperation, on the basis of the United Nations Convention against Corruptionand other international conventions as well as bilateral treaties, inorder to ensure integrity in the BRI process.

Actively preventing and properly settling disputes

18. As an essential safeguard for the BRI, effortswill be made to settle trade and investment disputes in the implementation ofthe BRI projects, fairly protect the legitimate rights and interests of allparties, and foster a business environment under the rule of law featuringstability, fairness, transparency and predictability.

19. We recommend that the parties participating inthe BRI work together to prevent legal risks and avoid disputes effectively.

20. We support the parties participating in the BRIin their efforts to strengthen consultation and cooperation and resolvedisputes through existing domestic and international dispute settlementmechanisms or institutions. Efforts should be made to explore the feasibilityof establishing dispute settlement mechanisms or institutions that meet theneeds of the BRI, includingfurther discussion on establishing, if appropriate, treaty-basedmechanisms or institutions, to prevent and resolve disputes.

21. We support the parties participating in the BRIin their efforts to deepen cooperation in judicial affairs and law enforcement,including exploring the establishment of cooperation mechanisms to strengthenmutual recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial mattersand to promote service of judicial documents as well as investigation andevidence collection in civil and commercial matters. The parties participatingin the BRI are encouraged to strengthen exchanges and cooperation regarding theways and means of settling disputes other than by judicial settlement, such asmediation, arbitration and so on.

22. We stand for the settlement of disputes in anequitable, efficient and convenient way and appreciate the efforts made bycountries to explore the establishment of diversified mechanisms of dispute settlementthat allow judicial settlement, mediation and arbitration to play theirappropriate and effective roles.

Advancing legal exchange under the BRI

23. Parties participating in the BRI, internationaland regional organizations, civil society and the academia are encouraged toconduct diversified legal exchange, share good and latest practices andfacilitate cooperation in areas relating to the legal system, legal culture andlegal education.

24. The legal service industries in the partiesparticipating in the BRI are encouraged to strengthen consultation and exchangeof information and to promote cross-border cooperation, so as to provide highquality and efficient services to governments and enterprises.

25. Parties participating in the BRI, internationaland regional organizations, civil society, research institutions and theprivate sectors are encouraged to jointly work on training legal professionalsand capacity building.

26. We welcome China’s provision of funding toimplement the “Belt and Road Legal Cooperation Research and TrainingProgramme”, in order to support legal exchange and capacity building among theparties participating in the BRI.

27. The parties participating in the BRI areencouraged to develop mechanisms to exchange legal information and practicedata, such as establishing an online platform for foreign law ascertaining andsharing, and an exchange platform on judicial cases.

28. The parties participating in the BRI areencouraged to jointly establish a database, for public access, of bilateral andmultilateral treaties concluded and acceded to by the parties participating inthe BRI. 

Way forward

29. We suggest that further discussions under thetheme of the BRI legal cooperation be conducted in appropriate forums in thefuture.

30. We call for respect for the purposes andprinciples of the UN Charter and international law, and for advancement of theBRI legal cooperation on the basis of extensive consultation, jointcontribution and shared benefits. We also call for contribution to building aCommunity with a Shared Future for Mankind and a world that enjoys enduringpeace, comprehensive security, and common prosperity, and is open and inclusiveas well as clean and beautiful.
